Creating an account with us is quick and easy. Once registered, you'll receive a dedicated shipping address in the country of your choice.
Once you create an account with O2D, you will get an unique customer ID. UC ID is necessary to access our distribution locations. Start shopping on your favorite online stores and have your orders shipped to your new address. You can purchase items from the USA, Europe, Asia, and beyond.
If you make multiple purchases from different retailers, we can consolidate your packages into one shipment to save you money on shipping costs.
We offer a range of shipping options to suit your needs – from express delivery to economical choices. You're in control of how your packages are sent to your doorstep.We take the security of your package seriously. Our drivers are trained to handle packages with care and we use the latest technology to track your delivery every step of the way, ensuring that it arrives at its destination safely.
Once your parcels arrive at our warehouse, we'll quickly forward them to your home, wherever you are in the world. You can track your shipments and receive updates every step of the way. We offer both local and international delivery services, so no matter where you need to send your package, we've got you covered. We work with a network of reliable partners to ensure that your package arrives on time, no matter where it's going.
With our easy-to-use tracking system, you can keep track of your package every step of the way. From pickup to delivery, you'll always know where your package is and when it's going to arrive.
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